We will be gathering together on Sunday, January 26 at 5pm for the annual Big Banquet, but please arrive at 4:45pm. Please bring a main dish AND a side or dessert to share; the church will be providing drinks and table service. Mike Spurlock will be smoking briskets again this year, so you don’t want to miss this one! We will wrap up by 6:45pm; childcare will be provided after the meal.
Set up will take place right after the morning service. We look forward to this time to connect with one another, celebrate 2024, and share our vision for 2025. We heartily encourage everyone to attend.
Would you please RSVP (text) to either Jack or Phillip, or email office@newsong.family if you are coming to allow us to know how many chairs to set up and how much brisket to prepare? Thank you.