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Save the date! The Pataskala Easter Egg Hunt will take place Saturday, April 5 at Foundation Park in Pataskala. Churches have been sponsoring this event for the past few years and this year New Song will be helping remind people about Easter’s true meaning by being one of the sponsoring churches. We need people to man our two bouncy houses, greet and offer to pray for people at a prayer station where  we’ll set up using our Pull Thru Prayer flags and signs. This will be a great way to be among people from the community, bring the message of Christ, and let people know about New Song.

At this point, we could still use some people to help with our prayer stations, but the other areas are no longer needing help.


Help wanted! We are looking for 10 families or individuals to take home supplies to fill plastic eggs with 3 pieces of candy per egg.  Please return the filled eggs to the church next week. These filled eggs will be used at the Pataskala Easter Egg Hunt.  Each bag of supplies will contain 100 eggs and 300 pieces of candy.